트위터 페이스북 미투데이 요즘

(Killer Bee Playing Cards)


모바일판매가 14,000원 (0원 할인)

(모바일기기를 통한 주문시에만 적용됩니다.)


  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 200 원(2.00 %)
  • 카드 결제시 적립금 100 원(1.00 %)
  • 실시간 계좌 이체시 적립금( %)
  • 적립금 결제시 적립금( %)
  • 휴대폰 결제시 적립금( %)
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    여러분들께 추천합니다!

    Killer Bees are the mutant hybrid of timid European honey bees and their African cousins.

    Like all superhero stories, the Killers were introduced to Brazil by mad scientists to help re-populate their diminishing Bee population.

    But no-one could contain them...

    In 1957, 26 swarms escaped quarantine and declared war on the western hemisphere.

    Danger lurking in the skies, these villains will stalk their victims for up to 1/2 a mile..

    We wanted to capture the darker bodies of these cold-face killers in our deck. Creating a harsh black back with toxic-waste yellow honeycomb spilt on the back.

    The black faces display custom pips and hold a sinister simplicity. Like something you'd expect to see on a discarded barrel of methylamine.

    Killer Bees are the result of an unsanctioned lab experiment when toxic-waste spilled into a delicate hive of Honey Bees.

    Get them before they get you.