트위터 페이스북 미투데이 요즘

맥도날드 에이스
(McDonald's Aces (With Cards) by Royal Magic )


모바일판매가 15,000원 (0원 할인)

(모바일기기를 통한 주문시에만 적용됩니다.)


  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 400 원(3 %)
  • 카드 결제시 적립금 300 원(2 %)
  • 실시간 계좌 이체시 적립금( %)
  • 적립금 결제시 적립금( %)
  • 휴대폰 결제시 적립금( %)
  • 예치금 결제시 적립금 %)

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    새롭게 입고된 맥도날드 에이스 입니다!

    DVD+기믹카드로 구성된 본 제품은

    서로 떨어져 있는 에이스카드 4장이

    한순간 같은곳으로 이동하는 놀라운 효과를 가진

    카드마술 입니다

    오래전부터 많은 마술사들에게 사랑을 받는 카드마술중 하나이며,

    어느정도 연습하시면 충분히 멋진 연출 가능한

    카드마술 맥도날드 에이스 입니다.

    DVD내용에선 다양한 연출방법에 대해 알려드립니다.

    기믹카드는 에이스 카드로 제공됩니다

    본 제품은 한정수량 입고된 제품으로 특가로 판매합니다.

    제품구성 : DVD + 기믹카드 + 바이시클 카드

    난이도 : 중급

    해법영상 : DVD에서 제공


    " If you are big fan of ace assembly plot and looking for a clean version that would fool people, then I would definitely recommended this. " -Patrick Kun, Reviewer

    Full Review
    The effect is classic. The four aces are removed from the pack and set on the table.

    Twelve indifferent cards are also removed, three of them placed on top of each Ace.

     A spectator selects one of the four-card packets, and holds on to it for safekeeping.

    Then the magic happens. One by one, the other three Aces visually vanish. As if bearing witness to trick photography,

     your spectators will swear that the Aces are melting away before their eyes!

    Of course, when the spectator examines the cards in his possession, he discover that they are none other than the four Aces!

    A trick that has stood the test of time, McDonald's Aces has been outlined in great detail on this nearly hour-long DVD.

    Professional magician Tomas Medina teaches you every nuance of the trick. Beginners will be able to learn it in minutes,

    while serious students will have plenty of intermediate and advanced material to consider and practice.

    Included with each copy of this DVD are the specially printed cards required to perform the trick - produced by the US Playing Card Company on Bicycle stock!

    Over one dozen vanishes are taught, as well as different methods for getting into and out of McDonald's Aces. Bonus footage gives you even more food for thought and handlings to consider.

    A quick survey of this DVD will have you nodding your head in agreement.

     If McDonald's Aces isn't the world's greatest card trick, it runs a close second. Learn it, perform it, and find out for yourself.