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    이 시대 최고 카드 매지션중 일인이라 일컬어지는 Bill Goodwin의 렉쳐가 나왔습니다.

    Dan & Dave Buck 이 제작한 이 렉쳐는 11개의 천재적인 기술들에 대해 설명합니다.

    이 멋진 연출들은 빌 굿윈의 렉쳐노트에서 고르고 골라 엄선한것으로 여지껏

    출판된 적이 없는 독창적인 것들입니다.

    리플렉션은 한번도 DVD로 릴리즈 된 적이 없는

    그의 비밀 기술들의 첫번째 컬렉션이 될 것입니다.

    단지 일반 노멀 카드만 사용됩니다.

    진정한 고수의 숙련된 손놀림의 비밀을 발견해 보세요.

    카드 꽤나 하시는 분들은 꼭 보셔야 할 아이템입니다.

    이 DVD는 단지 기술을 가르쳐 주는 것 뿐이 아닌 당신의 카드매직을

    진일보 시킬 수 있는 좋은 기회입니다.

    카드마술의 초고수인 Bill Goodwin에게 2시간 반 동안 개인 지도를 받아보세요

    여러대의 카메라가 다양한 각도에서 촬영한 HD 화질의 DVD입니다.

    10페이지 분량의 책자가 같이 들어있습니다.

    *주의 : 초보 구매 금지

    Oxnard Split
    A highly visual handling of Paul Harris' "Las Vegas Split." A Four transforms into two Twos followed by each of the Twos transforming into two Aces.

    One Off
    The magician attempts to find a selected card, however, he is off by one. To remedy the situation, the magician splits the card into two cards to reveal the selection.

    Off Balance Transposition
    A three-phase routine where a selected card and the four Aces repeatedly switch places culminating with a visual transformation of the selection into the four Aces.

    The Paint Brush Change (Roy Walton)
    Roy Walton's wonderful full face visual change of one card into another happens instantaneously as you "wiggle" the card.

    Double Lift Unload
    A deceptive technique for unloading the lowermost card of a double so that it appears as if the card never goes flush with the deck.

    About Face
    A card held at your fingertips turns over visually with just a stroke of your thumb. A handling for Alex Elmsley's "Turn-About Card."

    Twisting the Kings
    A direct handling of Dai Vernon's classic "Twisting the Aces" finishing with all four cards turning over simultaneously.

    The Mirage Trick
    The magician offers to show the audience a mirage. A selection is produced between two cards, but immediately vanishes proving that its appearance was just a mirage. Included in the explanation is a handling of the Bluff Pass.

    Spectator Cuts to the Aces
    A clean and direct handling of this classic plot. The method highlights a versatile unloading technique that can be applied to other effects.

    Mistaken Sandwich
    A card is produced between two others. Realizing that it is not the selection, the magician causes it to change into the correct card. The three cards can be examined.

    The four Kings and the four Aces change places instantly. Two handlings are included.

    Hold the Mayo
    The four Aces are produced one at a time from between two Jokers.