트위터 페이스북 미투데이 요즘

TONY CLARK'S DVD(Paper balls&Rings)


모바일판매가 36,000원 (0원 할인)

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    The Effect
    Paper Balls And Rings
    by Tony Clark

    Finally after many years of constant requests this routine is now available!

    This routine is Tony Clark’s rendition of Slydini’s Paper Balls in box. Tony’s version uses three borrowed finger rings that are wrapped inside tissue paper balls and invisibly travel one by one through the air into an empty cardboard box on the other side of the table. In the mind-blowing surprise ending, the three spectator’s rings disappear from the paper balls and appear inside a locked wooden ring box that magically appears from the same empty cardboard box! Tony has performed this very elegant and powerful routine all over the world including his show in Lake Tahoe and the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, Ca. This will be one they’ll always remember.

    Special Note
    Tony’s version involves No Lapping or difficult transfers. You can perform it without a tablecloth. From the moment you begin, you’re literally three steps ahead of the audience. Tony takes you through this incredible routine step-by-step explaining every detail, move and subtlety.

    Bonus Material
    - Vintage footage of Slydini performing the original Paper Balls in Box.
    - Tony Teaches you moves from the original Version.
    - Footage from Tony's stage version of Paper Balls & Rings.

    Running Time Approximately 55min